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by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/27/2003 7:33 PM EST
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  • Anonymous - Sunday, September 28, 2003 - link

    this is #2 in response to goose77....

    even with the higher latency of registered memory, the onboard memory controller and the incredible amount of memory bandwidth available to both CPUs (since they share the info their RAM holds between eachother) makes the alternative of having an after-market controller from a chipset maker to support un-registered modules (with the much higher latency associated with an off-board memory controller) look pointless, don't you think? :P
  • hohoh0 - Sunday, September 28, 2003 - link

    This Ra... better be good :P Pics seem to indicate uber big fan; hopefully not very loud (e.g. nvidia jet launcher 5800). Rumored/confirmed clock speeds don't seem to indicate anything great about the GPU but hopefully it oc's and has some new minor tweaks.
  • Per Hansson - Sunday, September 28, 2003 - link

    Hey Anand,

    It's nice to see you bringing back the personal touch to your website again.

    I've been reading your reviews for a long time, actually it was you who inspired me most to become an editor...

    I would have posted earlier had I had the time but exams and personal life tends to take away too much, I can't seem to figure out how you have the time for everything ;-)

    Per Hansson, editor @ Techspot.com
  • goose77 - Saturday, September 27, 2003 - link

    sorry to hear about the traffic, did u take i-95 and 495(beltway)??? VA guy here, so i know what traffic is like on the east side. It's not illogical, the people are just idiots who have no idea how to drive. Unlike Europe where the slow people drive on the right side and fast on the left, in VA, slow a** people drive in the fast lane just to piss u off. lol 35 MPH in the fast lane. and everyone wonders why we got roadrage!

    anyways, i agree with posts #1 and #2, love to see some more info on the A64s. I'm looking to get a dual opteron with agp with dual memory banks. Also, i was wondering if there is a way to use unbuffered ram in a dual sys. I hate higher latancy, lower is better!!!! theres got to be a way around it...

    I see a dual mobo roundup possible, what do u think???? ;)
  • Anonymous - Saturday, September 27, 2003 - link

    concerning opterons.....Anand do you have an idea of when dual opteron boards with AGP support will be released?
  • Anonymous - Saturday, September 27, 2003 - link

    Hey Anand,

    When you get back, is it possible to have a side-by-side comparision and benchmarking of the Athlon64's and Opeterons?

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